Immune Boosting Gummies


More immune boosting gummies to protect you and your babies through winter! 
Gelatin helps to line your digestive tract and promote better digestion, ginger and turmeric have immune boosting qualities and are natural anti inflammatories & orange, lemon juice and Camu Camu provide a hit of vitamin c  
This recipe is suitable for 6 month olds, although I’d recommend swapping the orange juice for something without citrus (as citrus can cause nappy rash/inflamed skin) such as coconut water or carrot juice. Also omit the honey for <12 months – it tastes nice without it!


* tip – If you always spill your gummies trying to transfer to the fridge just leave them on the bench for half a hour and they will semi set! Easier to transfer

Immune boosting gummies

GF | DF | EF | NF | RSF

  • Saucepan
  • Moulds
  • Refrigerator
  • Tupperware Container
  • 1 inch fresh ginger chopped
  • 1/2 inch fresh turmeric chopped (can use 1 tsp powdered if you can’t get fresh)
  • 100 ml water
  • 2 tbsp honey (omit under 12 months)
  • 300 ml cold pressed orange juice or carrot juice (or a mix)
  • 1/2 lemon, juiced
  • 4 tbsp gelatin I use this one – discount code BOOBTOFOOD
  • Optional: 1 TBSP Camu Camu powder or Vitamin C powder
  1.  Place ginger, turmeric and water in saucepan and bring to boil, then turn down to simmer for 5 minutes until aromatic

  2. Add honey if using and stir to dissolve

  3. Remove ginger and turmeric pieces

  4.  Add orange/carrot and lemon juice

  5. Sprinkle on gelatin and leave for a couple of minutes to ‘bloom’ (go wrinkly and absorb the liquid)

  6. Add Camu Camu or Vitamin C powder

  7. Place saucepan back onto low heat and stir until gelatin is dissolved and it looks like liquid again

  8. Pour into moulds or for smaller babies you can pour into a Tupperware container (and later cut into finger shaped pieces).

  9. Place in fridge until set and enjoy! Will last about 3 days in fridge

  10. * Tip – If you always spill your gummies trying to transfer to the fridge just leave them on the bench for half a hour and they will semi set! Easier to transfer.

6 months +

Gelatin helps to line your digestive tract and promote better digestion, ginger and turmeric have immune boosting qualities and are natural anti-inflammatories & orange, lemon juice and Camu Camu provide a hit of Vitamin C.
immune gummies

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