53 – What’s in our first aid kit? With Luka & Kate


Ever had a moment where your child has suddenly developed *insert one of many childhood illnesses or injuries here* and you haven’t had anything on had to support them? Us too. So join us this week as we go through what we now aim to keep in both our natural and medical first aid kit for home and camping.

We also introduce you to our new segment (currently called “HELP” because we both have mum brain and can’t think of anything else… input welcome!) where we answer your parenting questions – this week tackling what to do in the midst of a tantrum. Please send any questions (and name suggestions!) to podcast@boobtofood.com

For those who are tuning in for the first time, a little about us…

In this podcast we discuss

  • Natural remedies that we keep at home for respiratory and immune support
  • Topical applications for all those bumps, bites and grazes
  • Medical supplies to keep on hand
  • How we store our first aid kit
  • and so much more…

And because we have listed so many different supplements, products and brands we have put together this simple checklist for you to refer to when you are creating your own first aid kit.

Please note – the information presented in this podcast is just what Luka and Kate have in their PERSONAL first aid kits. This advice is general in nature and should not be considered a substitute for medical advice. If you would like personalised advice regarding brands of supplements, dosages and whether they are right for your family then please book an appointment with one of our highly skilled nutritionists or naturopaths in our online clinic.

Listen to episode 53 HERE

Today’s episode was brought to you by Bio-First. Bio-First is an Australian Family brand, who wanted better options for their family and to help as many people as possible. All products are manufactured locally within Australia. Their products are genuinely natural with no nasties like phthalates, petrochemicals, synthetics or chemical solvents, as well as being free of irritants and designed for little, hypersensitive skin and dermatologist certified

Bio-First have a range of skin and immune products for the whole family. You can use the code BOOBTOFOOD for 15% OFF the entire range. Visit www.bio-first.com.au

Follow us on instagram @boobtofood to stay up to date with all the podcast news, recipes and other content that we bring to help make meal times and family life easier

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