We are a nurturing online community committed to offering comprehensive yet easily understandable guidance, education, and inspiration in family and baby nutrition.
With more than 10 children between us here on the Boob to Food team, we feel like we have tried and tested many things when it comes to starting solids and family meal times. We are always asked for our favourites, so we have listed as many of them as we could remember below…
If you’re about to start solids, you can also download our starting solids equipment guide HERE.
Ingredients for recipes
An easy way to access many of our favourite ingredients is through our curated list at Part & Parcel. You can use the code BOOBTOFOOD for $20 off your first order over $99
You know Luka is the liver queen, and we love all of the organ products at Cell Squared – such an easy way to incorporate these nutrient dense foods into your and your little one’s diet. Discount code BOOBTOFOOD
Our favourite brand of collage is Chief Nutrition – their natural flavour is perfect for sharing with your little one or adding to cooking, but we also love the chocolate and vanilla for smoothies. Discount code BOOBTOFOOD
Our favourite place to buy meat if you are in NSW is Ethical Farmers.b2f10 for 10% off first orders over $180
And if you feel like giving yourself a night (or week!) off from making food for your bub or your family, then Le Puree are our go to. They are perfect to keep in the freezer for those pear shaped days. We have also collaborated with them, so many of their recipes are straight out of Milk to Meals or Toddler to Table! Just like home cooking. BOOBTOFOODfor 10% off
Gain access to a database of hundreds of exclusive recipes (with 3 new ones published every week!) It’s also a safe space to seek nutrition, weaning, and parenting guidance support.the BTF community!
In-depth educational masterclasses developed and reviewed by health professionals to help you confidently navigate the critical first years of your baby's life and beyond.
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