17- Practical and natural tips for supporting our babies through teething… and how long will it last!? with Luka and Kate

Teething is inevitable, relentless and so incredibly painful for all involved! But there are some simple, gentle and effective strategies that you can use for your baby to make it at least slightly easier on everyone. 

In today’s BONUS episode you have Luka and Kate discussing all things teething and practical, natural strategies you can use to ease the discomfort for your little one (and hopefully get some more sleep for you too).

For those who are tuning in for the first time, a little about us…

  • Luka McCabe – founder of Boob to Food, author of Milk to Meals, registered nurse and midwife, as well as mum of 3

  • Kate Holm – naturopath, nutritionist,  clinical director of Boob to Food and mum of 2 (with a third on the way!)

In this podcast we discuss

  • Some of the signs and symptoms of teething, and when can we expect it to happen?

  • Ways we can make teething less painful for our children

  • Practical tips and home remedies

  • Physical support

  • Some thoughts on amber necklaces

  • and more!


Listen to episode 17 HERE

Follow us on instagram @boobtofood to stay up to date with all the podcast news, recipes and other content that we bring to help make meal times and family life easier.

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