Pouched baby food

pouched baby food

Firstly I don’t want to offend anyone (we are all trying to do our best & mum guilt and shame isn’t good for anyone – we do enough of that to ourselves let alone project it onto others) but knowledge is power, & if you didn’t know any better you would be led to believe (through clever marketing) that baby pouches are healthy! Right?
They are often organic, the ingredients list is clean (no sugars, preservatives etc just vegetables for example) however even though they may not contain nasty ingredients, that doesn’t make them beneficial (unfortunately).
The reason being is they are SO lacking in nutrients. If you’ve followed me for a while you’ll know that my whole food philosophy is to focus on nutrient dense foods, to fill yourselves and your children with the most nutrients possible as opposed to ‘empty’ foods or ‘cardboard-hydrates’.
So why are they so lacking in nutrients? It starts where they are produced, fruits and vegetables (& sometimes meats etc) are boiled down with an ultra high heat to make them shelf stable (ever wondered how lamb can sit on a shelf in a packet without preservatives?). They are then made into flavour combinations (eg apple and pear) then boiled further and packaged.
All this boiling leaves the fruits and vegetables in a syrupy state which is very high in sugar (taste a pouch it’s very sweet – even with no sugar added), the bad bacteria is killed but so is all the good bacteria, & the fibre, fats & proteins which would normally help the body process that amount of sugar & which helps keep the gut happy & regular. What your left with is a blood glucose rise & not enough nutrients to keep baby full!
Babies that are commonly given pouches then get used to this sweet food, and it can be hard then later on to get the baby to eat and enjoy savoury foods!
Now like I said, I don’t want to offend anyone, & I’ve had to use pouches once on a long haul flight! There are much worse foods you could feed your baby, but there’s also better! knowledge is power & I hope you’ll help me share this message.

How amazing are these infographics from @nomoreoldbabyfood love the message they are spreading!

pre-processed purees

pouched baby food

pouched baby food

pouched baby food

pouched baby food

pouched baby food

pouched baby food

pouched baby food

But I get it – sometimes you just don’t have time to make your own food and you need a quick and easy grab!

Im really excited to have collaborated with Jordan from Bebe Batch to create some incredible PRE-MADE purees for your baby! The difference between these pre-made purees and a store bought pouch is that these meals are collected straight from the bio organic farm, cooked, packaged right away then frozen – so NO heat treatment or processing other than the actual cooking!

My favourite thing is that these purees use my FAVOURITE ingredients for babies that are nutrient-dense power houses – like liver, bone broth, salmon, beef, lamb and heaps of vegetables. They also include a fat source in each puree which is essential to help our little ones bodies best absorb the fat soluble nutrients!

You can use my discount code BOOBTOFOOD10 for all orders over $80

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  1. Elise says:

    Hi Luca!
    I love all of the information you give. Have just started solids and am doing a combo of BLW and purees. I have made lots of different coloured and textured purees using some of your 6-8m guide foods. I was boiling them and using the water all in the puree. Is this the best way? Or is steaming better? Thanks!

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