Watermelon and Lime Gummies

GF | DF | EF | RSF | NF AGE APPROPRIATE: 6 months + Using fresh watermelon and lime juice to create these tasty gummies. They are so easy to make, and are such an amazing food because they are not only yummy, they also have so many nutritional benefits! Watermelon & Lime Gummies GF | DF | EF | RSF | NF Small Bowl BlenderStrainerSmall SaucepanMoulds or a baking dishMeasuring Cups and Spoons 1.5 cups chopped watermelon3 tbsp lime juice1/2 cup water2.5 tbsp gelatin In a small bowl pour in the water and gelatin, stirring well. Leave this aside to bloom (thicken).Add the chopped watermelon to a blender with the lime juice and blend. Here you can strain the liquid to remove the seeds.Once the gelatin has bloomed, add it to a small saucepan and heat over a low heat until all of the gelatin has dissolved.Pour the gelatin back into the blender with the watermelon and lime and blend.Pour into moulds or a baking dish. Place the gummies into the fridge for at least two hours before serving. From a baking dish you can then cut the gummies into suitable shapes for blw. AGE APPROPRIATE: 6 months + Recipe by Jane Houston   DessertIndian

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