Roasted Bone Marrow

Have you introduced bone marrow to your baby yet?Bone marrow might seem like an odd first food to feed baby, however it is a forgotten nutrition powerhouse!Bone marrow is found on the inside of bones and contains stem cells that develop into red blood cells, white blood cells, or platelets, which are involved in oxygen transportation, immune function and blood clotting.Marrow is a fantastic source of nutrient dense fats, protein, collagen and a wonderful source of iron and zinc and vitamin B12. It’s also not a high choking risk food so can be a great introductory ‘meat’ for your baby!You can roast the marrow and essentially add it to anything! Toss vegetables through it or use it as a ‘dip’ with the finger foods as a ‘boat’, add it to an omelette, into a puree etc! Then when done, you can use those bones to make a broth – no waste!This recipe is from our Milk to Meals book of adding bone marrow to a parsnip and bean puree, and theres also a marrow butter recipe in there too! Roasted Bone Marrow GF | DF | NF | RSF | EF 2 bone marrow bones (see notes)  Preheat the oven to 220°C (425°F)Place the bones on a baking sheet, marrow side up, and cook for 20-25 minutes or until much of the fat has rendered out and marrow is pulling away from the sidesRemove from the oven, allow the bones to coolslightly to touch Then scrape out the marrow with a spoon or fork The marrow should be soft and mashable.You can then discard the bones, or I use them for a bone broth! AGE APPROPRIATE: 1 meal a day + HOW TO PREPARE:You can ask the butcher to split the bones for you, ask for a ‘long cut’ and cuts from ‘the centre of the bone’ to get the most marrow out of the bone. Choose organic, pasture raised if possible HOW TO USE:You can add the mashed bone marrow directly to your baby’s puree meal and mix through.You can add the marrow to a glass bowl (and the fat from the baking tray) and refigerate, and then use this like you would use butter – as a spread or served on some steamed or baked vegetables. Once your baby has been introduced to butter, you could try the bone marrow butter recipe in our book Milk to Meals which is my personal favourite! 1 meal a day, Baby Led Weaning, BLW, Family Meals, puree   

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