22 – Identity shifts and relationship changes through motherhood with Lael Stone

Do you feel like you have lost yourself or are still trying to navigate this new version of you since becoming a mum? Feeling disconnected from your partner or stuck playing “who’s doing it harder”? We are SO excited to welcome the beautiful Lael Stone back to the podcast this week to discuss all things identity and relationship changes through motherhood.

If you haven’t already listened to episode 3 with Lael on raising resilient and compassionate children, he highly recommend you do (it is our most popular episode for a reason!). Lael is an educator, TEDx speaker, author, mother, and parenting counsellor who has been working with families for over 20 years. Her work as a birth educator, post-natal trauma counselor, and parenting educator has seen her work with thousands of families consulting about newborns all the way to the teen years.

And probably most importantly – she is a wife and mother of three big kids – who are teenagers and young adults and she is currently putting all her research into practice with them!

You can connect with Lael on Instagram and Facebook as well as her new offering Motheration

In this podcast we cover:

  • Some of the common changes and concerns that women have about their identity when they become a mother

  • How we can honour ourselves through the process of shifting and changing into our new role

  • The changes that can show up in our own relationship with our partner

  • How to get out of the cycle of playing “who’s doing it harder” with our partner

  • What to do when you and your partner have different parenting styles

  • and so much more!

Listen to Episode 22 HERE

Today’s episode is brought to you by Subo. The Subo food bottles are a favourite item in both Luka and Kate’s household – not only easy for the kids to use, but mess free and portable! The food bottle is quick and easy to fill with everything from purees, yogurt, smoothies, porridge and more. As your child sips the soft silicon (BPA-free) spout, the food rises up the bottle, one perfect-sized mouth full at a time. Unlike many other single-use food pouches, the innovative design means the food bottle does not need to be squeezed to access the contents. Instead, your child can feed themselves, anywhere, anytime and on the go – no mess, no fuss, no waste. You can use the code BOOBTOFOOD for 10% off your order. Visit suboproducts.com.au

Follow us on instagram @boobtofood to stay up to date with all the podcast news, recipes and other content that we bring to help make meal times and family life easier.

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