24 – Is your child’s poo normal? What’s normal, what’s not, and what to do about it with Luka and Kate

One of our most asked questions at boob to food is “is my child’s poo normal?” closely followed by “how can I help my child who is struggling with ** insert digestive complaint here **”

So in today’s BONUS episode we go through a few of the basics on all things infant and toddler poo.

For those who are tuning in for the first time, a little about us…

  • Luka McCabe – founder of Boob to Food, author of Milk to Meals, registered nurse and midwife, as well as mum of 3

  • Kate Holm – naturopath, nutritionist,  clinical director of Boob to Food and mum of 2 (with a third on the way!)

In this podcast we discuss

  • What is normal through the stages of infancy and toddlerhood when it comes to stool frequency

  • Colours that we want to see and those that might indicate an underlying issue

  • Differences between breast and formula fed babies, and how their bowel motions may differ

  • What mucous might mean

  • Whether constipation is normal and what can be done

  • and so much more…


Listen to episode 24 HERE

Follow us on instagram @boobtofood to stay up to date with all the podcast news, recipes and other content that we bring to help make meal times and family life easier

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